Monday 6 October 2008

Age Of Conan Update

So its a few months since I first started Age of Conan and alot has changed since then, some good...some bad. Funcom has continued with its updates and fixes on AOC at a pretty stunning rate, and with a new game director it has seen a burst of new life with the addition of the much fabled "pvp patch" it has added meaningful pvp to the game along with new loot and that's great. But unfortunately the game still hasn't reached what it could have been, and I honestly don't think it ever will due to the huge slump in active subscribers has left AOC feeling like a ghost town, this is mainly due to still unfinished sections of the game such as: itemisation, guild vs guild sieges and performance issues.
But Age of Conan still remains one of the best MMO's to date and I only hope it can recover from what is a poor release and poor execution of key features, I will unfortunately be cancelling my account for the time being.

Sunday 22 June 2008

Age of Conan Levels 20-40

Welcome back to Hyboria! Ok so hopefully my 1st review covered what to expect from Age of Conan in the first 20 levels and the fundamentals of game play.

So I had finally left Tortage and was sent to my home city (there are three home cities, one for each race). I entered this huge city with white sun-bleached buildings carved from the cliffs and it was truly stunning to see, and life seems to be brimming here from NPC’s unloading ships to players looking for quests, unfortunately due to the big draw distances and visually intensive area my frame rate hit an all time low here, especially in the harbor area. Frame rate continues to be a problem in Age of Conan, but some more adjusting and I was back on track. Another small disappoint was the loss of voice acting, but this is acceptable since it just isn’t feasible to have every NPC fully voiced over. So I explored this great city, crossing massive bridges or looking in amusement as these huge mammoths (player mounts) try to navigate their way threw the narrow streets. But after an hour or so of collecting quests/exploring and laughing at the guy in the stockades, I was off to “The Wild Lands of Zelta”. It’s worth noting here that Age of Conan is a heavily instanced game (a crossbred of wow/guild wars), which can be seen as both negative and positive for me it was positive since it still feels like an MMO but only with more control.

I had entered Wild Lands, with my newest bow in hand (which was uncannily similar to my old bow…but I will talk about that later) and enthusiasm coming from my ears. I was surprised here by how much more varied quest lines are here than in other MMO’s, sure there is the odd grind quest but most seem to have direct relevance to that zone (for example one quest in wild lands was to place heads of pikes, this was of course to warn off any attackers J…I have two heads impaled in my front lawn…and trust me no one ever breaks in!). In wild lands you will have your first proper grouping experience, with full teams and epic mobs to kill and loot, this was great fun and a good laugh with some great item drops. The instance was also extremely well designed with a very creepy atmosphere and varied mobs, as I said before the items that drop here are great (good looking, great stats the usual) but this cant be said for the rest of the levels…and this seems to be a big problem for Age of Conan a huge lack of itemization and I did find my self wearing the same armor for many levels and even when I did get an upgrade it was the same visually and this was a big disappointment for me.

Luckily Funcom has got on this problem right away adding a ton of new loot, and a lot of new PVP gear expected soon) this is a great point about funcom no matter what the problem is they are on the case before you even find it.

These levels also prove to be when you see how your character will play out the rest of the levels, you gain a lot of new skills and feat points and this makes all the difference. Where is first 20 levels you had a more broad skill set, you start too see your specialization shining more and more with each level, this seems to be especially true for rangers.

So overall I had a great time, leveling and experience more of what Age of Conan has to offer…the quality of the content just seems to be getting better but some lack of itemization is a problem. The core game play elements that funcom have created are a lot more defined with the addition of (2) more combo buttons and a lot of more skills at your disposal. I looked forward to exploring more of Hyboria and reporting back, but I have put together a small overview of these levels below.


- A lot more character development.

- More stunning landscapes.

- Varied quest lines and interesting dungeons.

- Combat now is more complex with new combo buttons, more funJ.

- PVP more advanced a lot more guild conflicts.


- Lack of voice acting.

- Some Frame Rate issues.

- Lack of itemization.

Some hints: Collect and sell every useless item since money is very hard to come by at these levels and a mount is almost impossible to attain at 40.

Verdict levels 20-40: 8.7/10

Friday 20 June 2008, the online poker revolution?

So I recently picked up this new game "PKR", an online poker game which I had seen advertised. From the website it looked great, it seemed to have great visuals along with a variety of games to pick from such as Texas Hold 'em and even "deal or no deal".
I got my account set up, was quick and easy and found my self, designing my poker avatar this was a nice feature, allowing various faces/hair and the other usal features another level to this is clothing which has tons of variety from polo shirts to sunglasses. They also have a nice system called "PKR points" which when you play in real money matches you earn points which can be used to buy new items such as tattoos or jeans. Pkr have done a great job designing their avatar system, which is very flexible and beats most MMORPGs in terms of customization.
Now onto the poker, I played for a while in the practice matches with "play" money this allows new players to get a feel for game and work out what the terminology means...along with the extensive player guide provided. In these practice matches I could really see how enjoyable it was to play even without money risks, Using the hundreds of emotes provides and the chat system can great unique social experience. The settings were also excellent too and highly detailed, from the house (with pizza included lol) to the profession arenas, it all just looks great.
I finally took the plunge and loaded up a $50 real cash (the horror), things now got extremely heated up even in the 4 cent games! Going all in and winning that huge $3 pot...well it rocks! lol.
The poker experience to be had here is unrivalled, PKR combines next generation technology with extensive customization options to create a game that flat out beats any competition and even rivals the real games. Another thing to mention here is how secure the game is, it works with alot of companies to keep things safe for all their players.
Deal or no deal the next game on the agenda, and i was amazed by this really...i expected a cheap "nock-off" version, but what I got was a Triple A standard game. PKR have done excellent in recreating this experience and this alone is a reason to pick PKR up, it can become very nerve wrecking picking you boxes since real cash is on the table and waiting for that dreaded phone call will leave you biting your nails! Luckily PKR have provided a nice scaling system that can make even low bets worth playing for.
Ultimately is PKR the online poker revolution? It certainly is, it has bridged the gap between games and poker, and poker with the casual players, while still catering for the big boys.
If you enjoy Poker or Deal or no need this game.

Thursday 19 June 2008

Spore Creature Creator Impressions

So after a long wait, the spore creator creature finally arrived!

So I headed onto EA, and purchased the full version of the creature creator and after a painful process of trying to download it, I had it ready to go.

Spore loaded up and I took a crack at creating my first creature, I started with a little lump of clay-ish material which I could shape and mould into various shapes but there is some restrictions here (limited length and width) which was a little disappointing, luckily shaping it is very intuitive using a combination of scrolling and a drag/drop system.

I had gotten the basic shape I wanted (dragon type creature) so time to add the features, there is various pallets of different “bits” such as mouth/eyes/legs etc, and the somewhat limited selection can be underwhelming but they can be morphed and tweaked to give those unique twists.

Ok I had now completed the creatures face (and it was looking incredibly cool already) so I decided to add some arms and legs, while the arms/legs also have a somewhat limited selection these can really be morphed and changed, which is amazing to see and creating a crazy set up can be a lot of fun, especially when you see your creature try and walk, then perform various emotions.

I then had to paint my creature, this feature is fleshed out allowing different skin textures and various markings (such as strips) to be added. Finally I was able to test drive my creature, seeing how it walks/runs and even dances which was both funny and rewarding. I was then onto my next creature, making it a little crazier each time, adding a few more legs or huge arms and I had a ton of fun just doing this but the novelty can ware a little thin after a while, since there is nothing else to do. I wish they had of included some more things to do, to make it last little bit longer.

But so far, im super impressed with Spore and have huge expectations for the main release. A great thing about spore is no matter what you create, it will always look very good thanks to the great animation system and paint system they have created. The only downside to spore which I have already stated is the limited selection of parts and not very much to do. But I would certainly recommend this to anyone, interested in spore as it will provide a nice taster for what’s to come in September.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Age Of Conan Review (levels 1-20)

(This is the first part of multi-stage review of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, this was my review of the levels 1-20 UPDATE: added my views on the games lore)

Game Lore: Funcom had a wealth of information to draw from, going back to the original Robert E. Howard’s novels (such as Tower of the Elephant) to the various comics that have been released since then and Funcom have been very faithful to Howard’s vision of Hyboria and it shows in Age of Conan (AOC), from the extensive quest lines (“Destiny Quests” a progressive quest line, unique to each class architect) to the realistic, dark and gritty visual style.

Funcom have also put a lot of work into normal quest lines, drawing again from the extensive Conan lore to create both interesting and fun quests. Many of the quests also offer multiple response options (Bioware style) something that is usually seen in games like Mass effect. The added effort here really helps to immerse you into the story line and you will no longer want to just skip the quest text.

Age of Conan Levels 1 -20:

Firstly you will be picking your class and creating you character, pretty standard stuff you can choose from 12 different classes ranging from the standard tank classes to healers all of which will fill in certain spots as with most MMO’s. Luckily there is a lot of diversity within each class and can allow different classes to suit different roles, this is great for both PVP grouping and raiding.

Ok on to character creation and this is where Age of Conan really starts to shine, you can only chose from human characters (lore based) though but there is a lot of customization options available to you, by using the advanced options you can really get into the details of your character from nose shape to eye color and this can be a real joy to play around with and really make your character your own…no more generic dwarfs with red beards (thank god).

So you have finally reached Tortage the 1-20 starting area, and your first impressions will be “WOW” when you seen the trees moving in the wind or the flock of birds soaring high above you. Age of Conan is a stunningly beautiful game, and quite a technical achievement but it will require quite a good computer to play on (so make sure you check out your system specs first!).

You will be introduced into Tortage with a Varity of quest lines which allow you to become more familiar with the game world and the combat system, it is important to note that the levels 1-20 are a single player/ multiplayer experience this is due to the extensive story line that you play through and which changes for each class. Surprisingly this combination works amazingly and really helps immerse you into the story, combine this with full voice over on NPC’s (quest givers) these levels rival a fully single player game.

Combat in Age of Conan truly is the next generation in MMO combat, Funcom have added a unique combination system (sequence of attacks) along with dynamic shielding and movement to create the most fun and engaging combat ever seen in a MMO. Battles are no longer static point and click where the “best” class wins, but a highly skill based battles where the “best” PLAYER wins; this active combat also extends into NPC combat.

Ok se let me explain, the combo system in Age of Conan, uses a sequence of attacks which are activated by the player threw various key presses or clicks (1, 2, 3, Q and E), but there is a lot more variables in play here take for instance the dynamic shielding system this is the players “active defense” system and has 3 “shields” in total these can be moved to various sides of the NPC/player in order to negate certain percentage of damage. These shields surround the target on 3 sides (top/left/right) and these can be moved dynamically by both NPC and players, and considering that combos target certain areas of the target making sure you avoid the shields can mean the difference between victory and defeat. But this is not all to consider there is also active strafing within the game, by double tapping a movement key you can activate evasion bonuses. While this may sound quite difficult on paper, in practice it comes together to form an amazingly engaging combat system that rivals that of FPS shooters and action games.

Ultimately levels 1-20 are big tutorials for life after 20 lol, and you will get to explore and advance your character through this stunning section of Hyboria, and you will see your actions directly affect the quest line and experience you first grouping and PVP, while looting every body for that new piece of armor.

Funcom have provided a great introduction to Hyboria, and hands down beats any MMO currently on the market but can this really continues into the later levels? Check back for my next review on Age of Conan.

Review based on levels 1-20 of Age of Conan:


Tabula Rasa Review

Flash Review: Tabula Rasa is a fresh step for the MMO genre. From its real time combat to the unique setting Tabula Rasa takes you far from the traditional MMO experience but its one hell of a ride. 7/10.

Game Lore:
- Tabula Rasa uses the age old story of humanity struggling against a more powerful evil force, while this may have been used before in Tabula its used extremely well and immerses you into the game and the story. I wont go into the story but throughout the game its used very well. Story Verdict: 6/10.

- Game play is mainly determined by the combat system within an mmorpg and how players can interact with the world and socially, and Tabula rasa has certainly shaken up this and created a new but somehow familiar experience overall. In tabula combat is done very dynamically with the main usage being of guns and powers (logo's), it uses the same damage system seen in other mmorpgs but adds a few things to spice it up.
Combat is very active and very much similar to an action game in function with the environment playing a key role in fighting, they have done this using a great cover system that allows objects to act as damage de-buffers and creates a far more strategic variables to the mix. Tabula also is a very dynamic game in every sense when playing it you feel like a war is actually raging with small and large battles all taking place around you, but still allows free movement.
You could be passing a bridge and see a few AFS soldiers trying to hold it, while an barrage of bane soldiers pummel them...and you feel connected to the soldiers that your part of this huge struggle and you can help them if you want (which will give you exp/loot/cash) but you will be risking your own life, so combat can be rewarding as well as quite dangerous. But Tabula also takes this to a new level with adding control points that are of extreme important to players in terms of supplies and quests, these bases are frequently under attack and can get overrun quite quickly, if everyone doesn't pull together and help the npc's....its adds a whole new level of game play and role playing to the game...mainly it seems realistic. You hear the alarms sounding and emergency lights flashing while solders rush to defend the gates from both the bane and natural predators ( yes the animals will also act dynamically running in packs to get their next meal be in a bane/nps/player or even other animals). These combined make an amazing a very social experience, people will help you and you will help them its as if the game has pulled the community together in a great way which i haven't seen in a long time in mmorpgs..if ever to this extent. Tabula also rewards you for helping out and defending bases with varies extra bonuses and points. Economically the game is quite flat since loot isn't really defined as well as it is in say hell gate London, but the addition of a soon to come auction house should revamp things. But i can honestly say this is best game play experience i have had in a long time with games. Gameplay Verdict 7.5/10.

- Tabula Rasa does has good visuals but doesn't match up to the quality of lord of the rings online, but the are great in their own right and suit the setting of the game. They have a variety of interesting a exotic places from huge valleys to scifi military bases to explore, its a joy to watch and experience. Models and animations are great from the bane drop ships to how guns feel and look, but a bad point is the lack of variety in armor while they are realistic a bit more pimping wouldn't have hurt from a visual stand point. But overall they are nice to look at and for a mmorpg do just fine. Visuals Verdict: 7/10.

- The sound quality of the game is top notch, the use of quality voice acting and sounds really do make a difference. You can hear machines ticking over, bane and AFS forces shouting and bantering while quest givers do provide so nice voice work. You will hear a variety of sounds from shotguns firing to majestic waterfalls that all sound great.
Sound Verdict: 7/10.

- Overall Tabula Rasa is a game that will enter you in a fun and compelling world with alot of stuff to do and experience, I highly recommend it to any mmo/action/rpg fan!
Final Verdict: 7/10


First post

Hey welcome to Gamer Phils blog, expect too see some reviews/rants and general information on gaming.